Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Part 1: OPPT, UCC's What Does this Mean?


You will find all links toward the end of this page.

So in simple terms ........ OPPT stands for the One People’s Public Trust and UCC stands for Uniform Commercial Code. The UCC is what international commerce law is based on. The UCC is the “bible” of commerce; it precisely dictates the manner in which international trade and commerce should be enacted.

UCC process is used internationally so, for example, if your mortgage is foreclosed on or your car is repossessed, the bank uses the UCC process to do so. It is this same in every single country.

UCC law is not taught in law schools. Knowledge of UCC law has always been only taught within legal departments of corporations. Ann, trustee of the OPPT, was professionally involved in UCC law for some time. She used her own home foreclosure as a guinea pig, challenged the foreclosure through the UCC process, and discovered how the system worked in that way! So in order to foreclose on “the system”, the Trustees of OPPT set a trap using the legal structure provided to them BY “the system”. (basically using the system, against itself)

The OPPT is managed by Trustees Caleb , Hollis and Heather.

The OPPT was created when the 3 Trustees bonded themselves to the original US Constitution of 1776. (read Andy's article for more about this)

The OPPT then bonded every individual on the planet to this Trust as the Beneficiaries in equity, known as “the One People, created by The Creator” so we, all of us, are now lawfully in a Trust between the Creator and the “states of being” of Earth. - because we are all in a "state of Being". Lawfully speaking, there can be no higher claim than that of the One People’s Public Trust… except for one made by the Creator.

Between 2011 and 2012, the Trustees lodged a complex series of filings with the UCC on behalf of its Beneficiaries – “the One People”. Using UCC process, the OPPT created a legal entity which encompasses the corporations, governments and banks as one and the same, lawfully known as the "Debtors". How? Because governments are simply, corporations. (read Andy's article for more about this)

The filings claim that the Debtor “knowingly, willingly and intentionally committed treason” by “owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems” and “operating Slavery Systems used against citizens without their knowing, willing and intentional consent”.

The Debtors couldn’t rebut the filings that created the new Trust, because in order to do so they would need to acknowledge that they DO run slavery and private money systems OR prove that they have a claim over us that is higher than that of the Creator (which they can’t!).

Unrebutted claims against the Debtor become international law under UCC guidelines. So as lawful remedy sought by the OPPT for the resolution of their claims, all entities forming ‘the debtor’ were lawfully foreclosed and their assets re-possessed on behalf of “the One People”. In effect, the debts we incurred within the slavery system have been erased.

In other words, these “Debtors”, legally, no longer have control over any of us. We can now, legally, take control of our own selves, our own life experience, because we are now legally, in a Trust between the Creator and the “states of being” of Earth. - because we are all in a "state of Being".

We are now lawfully in a Trust between the Creator and the “states of being” of Earth - no one else - no government, no corporation, no bank, - just the “Beingness” of us – just like the day we were born (until we got a birth certificate anyway but that’s another story)

While the old system keeps pretending to be legitimate, documents have been created that we “the One People” can now use to provide to former government, bank and corporate representatives who approach us claiming payment.

The gist of these documents is to point out that the corporation or government they used to represent has been foreclosed, and that they are now operating as an individual. The documents also allow you to establish your own terms and conditions with the person who is making a false or mistaken claim against you, so you can take control of the interaction.
Written by Kelly Flack ~ Being of the Creator
Edited by Andy Whiteley, co-founder of Wake Up World and a Being of the Creator.


Special thanks to Andy Whiteley, Ryan Mullins, Sonya Vangelder and Lisa Harrison for their invaluable input.


Here is Andy's article as mentioned in the video  http://wakeup-world.com/2013/02/18/all-corporations-banks-and-governments-lawfully-foreclosed-by-oppt/

The following video is "The one Peoples Public Trust - A Roundtable discussion With Max Igan"
These videos are broken down into 5 parts at 15 minutes each for easy listening and learning. The entire 5 part playlist can be seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w344_hYuB6Y&list=PLiMTFp5iNlb8BePAjF_qkrBn7rDxYLfJV 

The following video is called "OPPT The End Of Financial Tyranny" with Santos. It  goes for 90 minutes and will help to expand your understandings of the OPPT

We've basically got a choice to make - EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US - the way is now lawfully open for those of us that do NOT want to continue living by governing rules of another (governments, banks and corporations, no longer have any legal control over The People) ...... or you can continue living in the "system" because some people feel more comfortable there. What will you choose?
To gain even more understanding:
Search for groups in your local area. Just Google "OPPT" followed by your suburb or City orState or Country
To learn more about, and access the documents available to us to use, please visit:
And if you are going to use a Courtesy Notice and related documents, here is a link where help is available for people fighting legal battles all over the world based on One People's Public Trust UCC Filings  http://opptcourtcases.forumotion.com/
Here is the proper wording to the UCC filings http://oppt-in.com/proper-wording-to-the-ucc-filing-vital-info/

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